OCEAN-SKY MARINE CONSULTANT CO., LTD (OS Marine) is a company in China founded in Y2000, OS Marine is a young but vitality and an intensity company.

OS Marine was founded basing on:

The day by day developing Ship-Building market in China

More and more foreign ship owners need the company in China as the trusting partner

OS Marine got the supports from some famous shipping owners in Europe and many friends/companies in China in shipping building fields.

OS Marine had lot of successful experience in co-operation with the shipping owners in the past years in new building and ship repair.

OS Marine offers clients high quality supervision and technical service for ship owners worldwide. We believe in flexibility and can organize the whole site team with local experts. Alternatively, the owner can take the leadership of the site team and may select local supervisors.

Why OS Marine is your first choice in China?

The benefits of choosing the OS Marine as your partner in China are numerous including:

OS Marine is the company with good faith

More than 40 highly trained and experienced and English-spoken staffs

with team-working characters

High-quality and high- efficiency supervisory service to

guarantee high-quality vessels delivered

Reasonable and competitive fees

Clear understanding of Chinese work environments

Get our co-operation done and for ever

Ocean-Sky Marine Consultant Co.,Ltd All rights reverved © 2010
Tel:+86 18962971922 Fax: +86-513-86119311   技术支持 : 神枪品牌


百家乐 www.323baijiale.com

太阳城 www.016suncity.com

全讯网 www.qxw-qq.com

百家乐群 www.xingqiba77.com

美高梅娱乐城 www.99meigaomei.com

百家乐 www.898casino.com

太阳城娱乐城 www.suncity202.com

星期8娱乐城 www.xingqiba88.com